The Ife Festival of the Arts series was inaugurated in the 1970s during the directorship of Michael Crowder. It gained international fame under the dexterity of Ulli Beier and was later instituted as a bi-annual event. Notable editions held in recent times include
– The 2005 Gelede Arts Festival in collaboration with the Organisation International Groupe Gelede, a UNESCO-sponsored institution based in the ancient city of Sabe, Republic of Benin.
– The 2008 Ife Festival of Masks and Masquerade, directed by Emeritus Professor Wole Soyinka
– The 2018 Ife Festival of Food and Identity, celebrating the gastronomic cultures of Africa and the African Diaspora, directed by Emeritus Professor Wole Soyinka
– The 2021 OAU@ 60 Culture Fiesta in commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Obafemi Awolowo University directed by Professor Félix Ayoh’OMIDIRE.